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President Michael D Higgins has condemned attacks on aid convoys providing humanitarian relief to Gaza.

Israeli protesters blocked aid trucks headed for Gaza yesterday, throwing food packages on the road in the latest in a series of incidents that have come as Israel has pledged to allow uninterrupted humanitarian supplies into the besieged enclave.

In a statement today, President Higgins said that all those who support human rights, humanitarian relief, the United Nations and its charter must be appalled at the attacks which are being witnessed on aid convoys providing vital humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza.

"Two incidents on Monday alone demonstrated the appalling circumstances which aid workers are facing.

"In Rafah, a vehicle clearly marked with the United Nations emblem came under fire, killing a UN staff member and injuring others.

"On the same day at the Tarqumiya checkpoint west of Hebron in the Occupied West Bank, a convoy was surrounded by a mob with food packages thrown on the road and bags of grain ripped open."